Friday, August 5, 2011

Excited? Moi?

Tomorrow I'm going on a winery tour.

My beautiful friend Mrs.Wilson, formerly of York, now of Poowong, invited me along. It's been a while since she and I hit the tiles together. When we worked together at summer camp in the States, it was on a weekly basis...Millenium Eve in York was an outstanding night that amazingly enough, I do remember...and the couple of months we shared a house in Rye saw quite a few bevvies imbibed.

But now that we have four children between us, it's been a while between drinks. I'm fairly sure Mrs.Wilson's social life is quite similar to mine, so when she sent me a message the other day asking if I was interested in joining a busload of women for a celebratory winery tour...well, I didn't have to think for too long. Just quietly, if Mrs.Wilson is excited, then I am bouncing off the walls in anticipation.

There will be a lovely lunch, a lot of yummy-scrummy wine tastings, and some new friends. Since I am actually going as Rent-A-Crowd, I will begin the excursion knowing only one person...but I am sure after two or three vineyards, I will have several new best friends.

I have absolutely no idea which vineyards we will be visiting, nor do I know what time I will be home. Those details matter little to me.

Did I mention I am going on a winery tour tomorrow?

The following elements will be missing from my day:
* washing
* vacuuming
* folding washing
* preparing "snacks" that are left uneaten
* washing
* answering questions such as, "Mummy, when am I ten?", and "Mummy, why wasn't Maisie a brother?", and "Mummy, why did you cook this for dinner?"
* washing
* being handed a real live slug from my youngest child whilst washing the dishes (where did she get the slug??? Where????)
* doing dishes
* wiping bottoms
* wiping noses (other than my own)
* washing
* stopping the youngest child from brushing Archie's teeth with her toothbrush
* stopping the youngest child from standing on the Fisher Price trike with her arms out wide and nothing at all to break her fall

My lovely hubby will be at the helm. And when he takes Archibald to puppy school in the afternoon, my wonderful mum will take over for a couple of hours. Thank goodness for both of them. Did I mention I'm going on a winery tour? Tomorrow?

I will admit that I am mildly concerned about how I will pull up on Sunday. As you probably already know, swimming lessons wait for no one. I'm sure there will be a sizeable headache, even if I only have a small amount. Since having babies, I've become a bit of a Cadbury's chick. When I was 20, I could have had two or three nights of 3am finishes back to back, no worries. Now that I am halfway between 30 and 40, I am aware that this one day of frivolity will likely finish me off for the week. I know on Sunday morning, I will be tired and more than a bit sore, with a house to prepare for the working week, groceries to buy, and meals to cook. But I'm not concerned enough to stay at home.

I'm going on a winery tour tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Enjoy it! I haven't drunk any wine for so long that I am now completely off it. But a day without washing, washing and folding washing? I couldn't wish for more ;)

EssentiallyJess said...

Yay! So exciting! Hope you have fun!

Diminishing Lucy said...

I am with you.

I went out this weekend too - it was brilliant. Rare.

And I just got ready &
left the house. No guilt. The guilt is finally leaving me...

Hope you had a top time! xx

I'm So Fancy said...

Good on you!!! Bottoms up! Hope you had fun!