Monday, September 13, 2010

Meeting Marla

Thank goodness for high school girlfriends. I was very, very grateful today to spend some time with some of my oldest friends (not that they are old women, but rather I have been fortunate enough to know them for a long time!!) and meet the newest member of our group, the beautiful 10 day old baby Marla. As you could probably imagine, my children were a little rough around the edges this morning after their epic night out last night. I managed to get them out the door this morning without any major meltdowns and had a pretty good run into the city while Jack maintained a running stream of chatter from the back seat. Seriously, the boy did not draw breath!

The kids were happy to sit up and have their lunch while Maisie and Emily played quietly, and my friends and I took turns cuddling the teeny tiny bundle of newborn deliciousness. I was pretty happy at this point, as the girls and I were managing to catch up on the news and enjoy each others' company. However, an interesting situation was unfolding under the blanket that Jack was playing under...every now and then, a whiff of something less-than-pleasant came from under the blanket, accompanied by a little giggle. As is the case when there's more than one baby or toddler in the room, we checked everyone's pants to see where it was coming from (the kids, not the grown-ups!!) The culprit was Jack, and when I told him in no uncertain terms to go to the toilet, he refused. In the end, I barricaded us both in the bathroom and wouldn't let him leave until he'd, ahem, dealt with the situation. After a minor tantrum (you're not my best friend anymore Mummy!)he acquiesced, thankfully. However, upon returning to the group, it was then Phoebe's turn to colour the air brown (and may I add, no one else's kids joined in!!) Maisie was content simply farting on my lap (if you can't beat them...)

As if that weren't enough, Phoebe spent all day (and I mean ALL day) asking for food. She sounded like some poor little waif that never got fed. At one point she had asked for a second biscuit (after a sandwich and fruit salad), and I told her that if she asked again I'd just say no, as opposed to waiting a minute. She looked at me and said, "Mum, can I please have another biscuit? I love you very much." I still said no!!! Heartless cow. Seriously, the girl had hollow legs today, it was embarrassing!! I'd bet you any money she doesn't eat a thing tomorrow.

Anyway, Maisie Mouse had a lovely time being cuddled by Aunty Fleur, Aunty Deb, rolling around on the floor and laughing at her brother and sister. I know Jack and Phoebe had an absolute ball, regardless of hunger pangs or issues of gaseousness. And I was exceptionally grateful to be in the company of some beautiful ladies who have known me since I was about 14, who know that my cross voice is pure bluff, who possess the sense of humour necessary to deal with a four year old's misbehaving colon, and who I hope understand how much I enjoyed being with them today. Seeing Mama Nat with her new little girl was sheer magic (and I fervently hope that I haven't dissuaded her from having more than one child...). And I must say, my three little angels slept all the way home and woke refreshed and ready for action at the other end of the trip. And me? Well, let's just say I'm ready for bed!!!!!

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