Monday, January 24, 2011

My whole brain

7am 24.1.03: Still asleep, alone in my little cottage near the beach.

7am 24.1.11: Finished breastfeeding Maisie; joined Christian in breakfasting with the team.

9am 24.1.03: Still in bed, probably cuddling my new kitten, Ernie. Or perhaps dozing. Definitely still in bed, though.

9am 24.1.11: Hopped in the car with Jack, Mouse and Narnie, and headed off to Chaddy for a little light window-shopping (Phoebs was at kinder - please don't call DHS!!) Had already washed the breakfast dishes, dressed three kids, hung out the washing and tidied the lounge room.

1pm 24.1.03: Went for a swim, as it was a swelteringly hot day. Probably actually sat down to eat my lunch?

1pm 24.1.11: Enjoyed lunch at Chaddy with Mum and the kids. (Definition of lunch: Spooning food into the Mouse's mouth, while attempting to stop her from wiping Vegemitey hands on passing strangers; helping Jack eat his sandwich and sit still at the same time; managing to swallow my own sandwich before the kids decide it's time to move on!) Maisie had her first ride on one of the many 'kiddie' rides dotted around the shopping centre - I think we may have created a monster!! Jack "zoomed" his matchbox car everywhere, including under the clothes rails in Gap while we were looking for a shirt for Daddy. His car drove down the escalator handrail, under tables, between sales assistants' legs...

3pm 24.1.03: Escaped the heat by going to get my hair cut and coloured in preparation for the new school year. Had a glass of wine while the stylist did his thing. Sat and thought about going back to work after Australia Day; painted my nails.

3pm 24.1.11: Was in the waiting room at the dentist's while Narnie had her check-up. Kept Maisie amused and out of the toilet while Jack took an embarrassingly long time in there. Attempted to corral the kids in the waiting room while they played "chasey" (Maisie's version of chasey is to crawl while giggling hysterically, with Jack crawling after her - invariably into places they should not go, such as dentist's rooms). Eventually one of the nurses brought out a big bucket of toys, which was great. Spent the rest of the time taking toys out of Maisie's mouth, and explaining to Jack that we were not taking the dentist's toy garage home. Drove Narnie and the kids home in peak hour (Mum and I chatted while the kids caught flies in the back seat).

5pm 24.1.03: Waited for my sister to come over before heading out to the pub to meet a colleague for a drink. Miffy and I had already planned on heading out on Friday night when a friend from work phoned to see if I wanted to catch up. It was such a balmy night we sat outside on the roof of Rosebud Pub, drinking and chatting.

5pm 24.1.11: Cooked dinner for the kids (early dinner after a big day); cleaned up after the kids' dinner; bathed and pyjama-ed them; breastfed Maisie while the big kids went to bed; let Maisie play on the floor while the big kids got up for toilet stops, drinks of water etc.; removed shoes from Maisie's mouth after she found them at the front door; cooked dinner for the grown-ups; ate dinner with Christian while Maisie practised her pulling up on my leg; settled the big kids once and for all; breastfed Maisie again, this time to a comatose state, while Christian went to the supermarket. All in all, a fairly standard evening!

8pm 24.1.03: Went with Miffy and my friend from work to a movie down the road from the pub. We had a ball at the pub - I could have bypassed the movie, to be honest - as I had not realised how funny this guy was and how much we had in common. I hadn't expected the night to be so fun.

8pm 24.1.11: All three kids are asleep; the tennis is hotting up on the telly; Christian is hanging out the washing for me (bless his cotton socks!) and I have a big pile of dry washing to fold, a big pile of dishes to do, and a blog that just won't quit...

10pm 24.1.03: Left the movies with my sister, and said goodbye to my friend. Realised that it was the best night I had had in ages. I couldn't believe that I had worked with this guy for a year, and had known him since high school, and had never really gotten to know him. Drove home with my sister, with a massive smile on my face and a little spring in my step.

10pm 24.1.11: Am looking at my beautiful husband, who has just made me a cup of tea and is sitting down to watch the tennis with me. It is eight years since our first date (which I naively didn't realise was a date at all!), when he sat through a movie he didn't watch, and I came to the slow realisation that I didn't want to say goodbye. I am still amazed that on a day that was so hot I was perspiring in a most unladylike way (it was so hot that the makeup slid off my face and I went to the pub bare-faced), I found my one true love. I am still amazed that we have not yet run out of things to talk about. I am still amazed at the stupid and numerous things we laugh at. I am still amazed at the beautiful family we have created together. I am still amazed that I managed to find my other half. We always joke that we are each other's "whole brain" (old, old, old TTFM Richard Mercer Love Songs and Dedications joke!), but he is my whole heart, too. And I still never want to say goodbye :)

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