Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesdays with Maisie

I had another gorgeous day with Maisie Mouse today. I must admit, I am totally loving being on maternity leave, and it already saddens me to think I'll have to sacrifice two days per week with my girls next year!! I understand how spoiled I am, being home for a year, and so I relish the quiet days when the clock does not matter. We didn't do anything remarkable today (surprise, surprise, I hear you think!). After the whirlwind departure of Jack and Phoebe at 6.30am (Phoebs does one day a week at childcare just to socialise with her peeps and get completely indulged by her teachers!), Mais and I cuddled in bed for a while which is a complete luxury. You don't realise until your first baby starts to crawl, how lovely it is to have a bub who can't get away, and who's happy to lie in your arms as long as you them try and remove your nose. Once they can move, say bye-bye to lengthy cuddles and hello to falling off the bed!!

The majority of today was spent finding washing, sorting washing, washing washing, drying washing, folding washing, and ironing the things that would make my children look homeless if I left them wrinkly. (There are still little piles of clothes everywhere, waiting to be put away. Let's be honest, who's perfect??) To sweeten the deal, I put Maisie on the floor with a menagerie of toys, and I put 'Sixteen Candles' on the telly for me. One of the bonuses of Wednesdays, is that I can watch movies with swearing in them without fear of a little person repeating it back to me!! I'm safe for a while yet with Mais, but the other two little parrots are deadly at remembering inappropriate phrases! Maisie particularly enjoyed the Asian exchange student's character that stays with Molly Ringwald's grandparents - she shrieked with laughter every time he laughed. We had a great time, dancing along to the soundtrack (as long as I didn't sing, remember.) I wonder how long it will be before watching movies with Mum is just too daggy for words?

The only time we had to leave the house was to visit the doctor for my manky eye again, which served as a nice little break from playing laundry-maids. We didn't make our swimming lesson today, simply because both Maisie and I are still both sounding like pack-a-day emphysemics. It didn't matter, in fact, it only served to make the day even more cruisey. By the time Daddy and the big kids returned home, we all had clean sheets, clean clothes, a full fridge, dinner cooked before 9pm, and a happy baby. Mundane or otherwise, that's what I call a good day!!

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